Android Experiments

Android was created as an open and flexible platform, giving people more ways to come together to imagine and create. Developers everywhere have used the unique capabilities of the platform to push the limits of what’s possible on phones, tablets, watches and beyond.

Android Experiments is a website by Google designed to showcase the creative possibilities of the Android platform.

This was my first project working together with both Use All Five and the Google Creative Lab. My role was to build the CMS and API that powered the frontend. At the Creative Lab's request, the backend was written in the Go programming language.

Agency: Use All Five
Launch Date: August 12, 2015
Technologies : Google App Engine, Go, Polymer

Google News Lab

Google News Lab is a website designed to help journalists learn the best ways to use Google tools for reporting and storytelling.

I was brought onto this project, because of my knowledge of Python and Django. Django turned out to be a really great fit allow us to rapidly develop and evolve and content management system and API.

It was easy to add features such as converting the CMS and API to have translations in over a dozen languages.

The application runs on Google App Engine and utilizes Google Cloud Storage and Google Cloud SQL.

Agency: Use All Five
Launch Date: June 19, 2015
Technologies : Google App Engine, Cloud SQL, Cloud Storage, Memcache, Django

Announcing this timeline

This website is a hybrid blog and portfolio. As someone with a diverse set of interests, a timeline is the best way to catalog my output. The filters showcase my different hats, but when it comes to it, everything I do is bound by myself and the passage of time.

Also, check out the about page.

Announcing django-cache-decorator

I have been using Django for over two years, and I have grown to love the rich feature set it comes with. Yes, there's a lot one ends up not using, but it is great that these things are there for when one needs it. It's worth noting that these extra features do not cause a performance impact. Django can be stripped down and is capable of returning < 10ms responses.

Django offers many interfaces with swappable backends. For example you can use the same ORM functions for interacting with Postgres or Mysql. Or you can send Email directly from the server or via a commercial service like SendGrid (3rd party). Or you can choose from a variety of cache backends: In-memory, Memcache, or Redis (3rd party).

And once one has experience with the Django framework, it is really quick to develop web applications. These are all reasons why it's compelling to invest further into Django.

I have put together a simple python package to make it easy to add caching to any function in a django project. It's called django-cache-decorator.


pip install django-cache-decorator

Example Usages

from django_cache_decorator import django_cache_decorator

def geocodeGoogleAddressJson(location):
   """Cache indefinitely until cache is reset or expired"""

@django_cache_decorator(time=500, cache_key="TagManager:popularTags")
def popularTags(self):
   """Cache for 500 seconds. Specify a custom cache key"""

@django_cache_decorator(time=0, cache_type='redis')
def reverse_geocode(lng, lat):
   """Cache indefinitely with redis backend"""

How it works

When the @django_cache_decorator is applied to a function, it'll cache the results of that function. If no cache_key is passed, a cache key will be generated automatically from the function name and the arguments. See the function cache_get_key for details.

The decorator also supports the argument cache_type to specify which backend to use.

Ex Machina

In April 2015, I worked on the websites for the critically acclaimed film, Ex Machina.

Ex Machina Official Website - I helped implement the desktop and mobile site.

Ava Sessions - I added the feature to Geocode the user locations with GeoIP and show contextual weather information. I implemented the backend API that received image uploads from the client and created various thumbnails and uploaded them to Amazon S3.

I also helped architect and implement the mobile website. Since the desktop site was built with React, it was possible to create a separate root component that reused but differently composed components from the desktop site.

Most credit, however, is due to Osk Studio for their design and coding.

Announcing a Puppet module for Dokku

I am excited to announce that I published a Puppet module for installing Dokku. Dokku is a great tool for easily hosting and deploying projects. It's basically a copy of Heroku that can be installed on Ubuntu 14.04. I recommend Digital Ocean for $5 a month.

With Puppet and this module, you can declaratively install Dokku.



puppet module install rchrd2-dokku


node web {
  # install dokku
  class {'dokku':
    version => 'v0.3.12',

  # install dokku plugins
  dokku::plugin { "dokku-rebuild":
    source => "",
    version => "master",
  dokku::plugin { "dokku-pg-plugin":
    source => "",
    version => "master",

How to install Ghost with NPM and Dokku

Today I installed Ghost, a blog app, on my very own server!
I installed it with dokku, a mini Heroku clone.

Installation notes

On the server, create an app

dokku apps:create blog
dokku config:set blog NODE_ENV=production

Turns out it worked best to install Ghost via npm, because it's already built.

I have it installed, but I need to setup a shared directory.

On the server, add the shared directory

dokku docker-options:add blog "-v /home/dokku/blog/shared:/app/shared"
dokku docker-options blog

So... I needed to modify Ghost and things got crazy. Turns out the npm package isn't directly what is in the repo. It contains the built files. So I had to build the files and add those to my fork (in a branch). After that, it worked!

Nice! It works! Hallelujah!

What's really nice is I have a repo that only has the bare minimum to run ghost plus a theme.

It looks like this:


Code samples


  "name": "blog",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "dependencies": {
     "ghost": "rchrd2/Ghost#package"
  "devDependencies": {},
  "scripts": {
    "start": "node index",
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "author": "Richard Caceres",
  "license": "ISC"


var path = require('path');
var ghost = require('ghost');

    config: path.join(__dirname, 'config.js')
}).then(function (ghostServer) {


var path = require('path'),

config = {
  production: {
      url: '',
      mail: {},
      database: {
          client: 'sqlite3',
          connection: {
              filename: path.join(__dirname, '/shared/content/data/ghost.db')
          debug: false

      server: {
          host: '',
          port: '5000'
      paths: {
          contentPath: path.join(__dirname, '/shared/content/'),
          themePath: path.join(__dirname, '/themes')
  development: {
      url: 'http://localhost:2368',
      database: {
          client: 'sqlite3',
          connection: {
              filename: path.join(__dirname, '/content/data/ghost-dev.db')
          debug: false
      server: {
          host: '',
          port: '2368'
      paths: {
          contentPath: path.join(__dirname, '/content/'),
          themePath: path.join(__dirname, '/themes')

// Export config
module.exports = config;

Mixtape 002

Recorded over a few months in 2012 and 2013 by occasionally capturing the output of my laptop into a cassette deck. I usually hit record when something caught my attention and I wanted to save it.

Everything was recording from Youtube with an emphasis on people demonstrating electronic musical instruments.

Materials: Laptop, Stereo Cassette Deck, Youtube